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Tires and their relationship to increased fuel consumption in cars

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By sportcars - November 23, 2017

               Today, we will talk about a very important topic about the relationship of tires to the consumption of fuel in cars, if you have not heard before that the tires may increase the proportion of fuel consumption without doubt will be surprised and put more than a question mark about the address, do not worry Dear reader will explain to you the way to Over consumption of fuel due to tires.                   

                                                                                                                                                                                                     - When the use of inappropriate types of tires, it increases the fuel consumption in the car, because the increase in the width of the frame increases the area of contact with the ground, which increases the strength of friction between the frame and the ground or road, and this means increasing the resistance of the road to the movement of the car, The larger the more burning fuel,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                Or if the pressure of the frame is not suitable here increases the area of contact between the frame and the road, increasing the road resistance to the movement of the car and thus increase fuel consumption in the car, each car specific sizes are subject to several specifications by the manufacturer.

This should always improve tire and tire resistance by adjusting tire pressure and not using tires with different specifications for your vehicle. 
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