Removing the thermostat from the car engine in summer true or false?
By sportcars - November 23, 2017
In this topic, we will discuss a very important topic, and it comes back to it every summer about thermostat, where many mechanics resort to cancel it in some cars, which suffer from problems in the heat instead of repairing the origin of the problem so we will know the function of thermostat and what happens when canceled,
First: thermostat function
Thermostat function is to allow the passage of cooling water out of the engine in the direction of the radiator, and this is achieved according to the condition of the most important temperature of the engine to a certain level and in most cars ranging between 80 and 90 degrees, Second: Damage to the car:
Many owners resort to cancel thermostat, so that the water is kept randomly and freely between the engine and radiator, and this causes a number of damage to the engine of the car so that the damage of this process is greater than the benefits are as follows:
Thermostat provides the perfect heat to run the car engine. When we cancel the engine, the engine heat is not connected to the desired level, resulting in non-performance of the engine due to the lack of fuel combustion due to low temperature and increase in fuel consumption. The car is set to a normal level The car computer adjusts the fuel to reduce it, heat helps to reduce fuel consumption, but when in the normal level of course,
- Oil does not function well, how it?
Engine oil is designed to operate under certain conditions, ie, at a suitable temperature to give us optimum engine lubrication. When engine thermostats are removed, the engine will not reach the normal range. Therefore, the oil will not reach its optimum working conditions. When the engine is cold, the oil is clotted and heavy. In all parts of the engine, and when heated becomes more smooth and effective in its work, and here may suffer from several problems within the engine of the car, due to lack of access to lubrication enough,
- As mentioned above, the removal of thermostat will lead to the ideal combustion of fuel in the car, that is, there will be no combustion as a result of the low temperature inside the engine, which will increase pollution and any increase in emissions harmful to the environment and health, which may accelerate damage to lead or catalysts in the car.
- The car's computer depends heavily on the heat sensor to perform a range of operations in the engine such as control the amount of fuel in the engine and control the EGR valve when the engine is cool, the car computer to cancel the operation of this valve will run at first for the engines that are available on the thermostat can affect the speed Engine, and wait until the temperature rise, but when the thermostat cancellation may be delayed much access to the operating temperature of the EGR
In conclusion, as a recommendation from the site of the mechanics of life and the functions of thermostat is not limited to the car, so do not cancel the engine, Vazaltha means the lack of operational life of your car and increase fuel consumption expenses in addition to other damages.