Symptoms of damage to the car's exhaust sensor and how it is cleaned !!
By sportcars - January 06, 2018
Today we will touch on a very important subject which we have addressed in the past and because of its importance we decided to touch it again, which is sensitive to smoke or exhaust sensor and symptoms of damage in cars. When this sensitivity is damaged, you will notice a number of unusual symptoms in your car engine,
- One of the signs that may accompany the increase in fuel consumption, which indicates the damage of this sensitivity is to hear the sound of explosions inside the box or in the car,
- Second: the exit of black smoke from the exhaust of the car:
- When this sensor is damaged you will notice increased fuel consumption, as well as black smoke out of the car exhaust:
- Third: the appearance of the engine bulb, at speed 100 or 120
- In most cases this sensitive need to be cleaned, and to do this process follow these steps:
- First disconnect the negative battery finger, to avoid any electrical problem or contact /
- Second: Remove the sensor Alchkman and find it on the catalyst or so-called Environment Box, as in the following picture:
For reference in some cars can be easily decomposed and in some other cars difficult to reach, but can be hummed from the bottom.
- Thirdly: after the removal of this sensitive can be cleaned either diesel first Bbakhakh remove rust and better use spray removal rust is the best.
- Fourth: Spray spray to remove the rust on the head of the sensitive to remove the rust and sediments that form it, leaving it for a few minutes after we use compressed air to clean it.
- Fifthly, we use sandpaper to clean and purify the carbon sensor.
- When you finish this process, clean the sensor we re-install the sensor in place, and follow the same steps jaw but this time re-installation of humorous, all in place, and after re-use the car again you will notice the difference in engine performance.
For those who do not have a rust removal spray, they can use diesel for cleaning.