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Tips to avoid rising brake heat in the car

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By sportcars - November 25, 2017

Many drivers suffer from high temperature brakes, especially when they descend in the slopes. The slopes lead to automatic acceleration of the vehicle. The driver is required to use the brakes frequently to reduce the speed and frequency. This causes the brakes to rise in the car. This leads to poor performance on the road, and failure to respond appropriately, which may lead to exposure to traffic accidents, especially in the slopes, and in this subject we will touch on some methods to be followed in order to reduce the speed of the car, when driving without pressing the pedal of the straw Ml frequently and significantly, thus not warming the brakes, which are as follows:                               

                                                                                                                                                                    - One of the best ways to avoid the rise of brake heat when descending slopes is to use the gearbox, using higher speeds, the best is the second and third spare, and thus relieve the pressure on the brakes, and avoid the rise of heat by.

- For those who have an automatic gearbox, they should be moved to the manual control mode in order to change the speed to the larger and control

- In cars that have an automatic gearbox and manual control mode is not available, so when the drive changes the speed from the smallest to the largest automatically or to reduce the pressure on the brakes, some car manufacturers added the Hold button in its cars and the function, when activated and cars The car will continue to run at the same speed and will not exceed it until you press again on this button, and to indicate in some other cars there is another Hold button has another brake function to this must be sure of its function before using it with the car manual.
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