How do you know that cylinder head Damaged ?
By sportcars - November 28, 2017
Today, we will discuss a very important topic about how to determine whether your engine's head is damaged or not.
- When the head of the engine is damaged, it indicates that it has got a warp, that is, it will enter the air from the place of warp, when entering it will be compressed where the water is smuggled and vaporized To make sure that the head of the engine is healthy or damaged The following examination: - First: Turn on the engine and leave it for two minutes
-Second: After only two minutes, open the radiator cover
-Third: Close the radiator opening with your hand instead of the cover and leave the air in or out
Fourth, you have to get someone's help, so you push the accelerator while you close the radiator slot. You have to press the throttle until you reach 4 or 4 meters at the counter four or five times in a row. -Fifth: After leaving the engine works normally without pressing the throttle
-Sixth: Keep your hand away from the radiator opening
-Seventh: If the radiator water is produced by the radiator, it indicates that the head of the engine is dusty, and the air enters it. If the situation remains normal, this indicates that the engine head is good and not defective. The holidays are not in the head of the engine but there is either in the water pump or Radiator.